Monday, December 30, 2019

The Prevalence And Incidence Of Type 2 Diabetes Essay

A. Statement of the Problem The prevalence and incidence of type 2 diabetes are increasing worldwide, particularly in devel-oping countries, in conjunction with increased obesity rates and westernization of lifestyle (In-zucchi et al., 2012). The economic burden for health care systems is skyrocketing, owing to the costs associated with treatment and diabetes complications. Type 2 diabetes remains a leading cause of cardiovascular disorders, blindness, end-stage renal failure, amputations, and hospitali-zations (World Health Organization, 2014). Type 2 diabetes is a chronic illness that requires continuing medical care and ongoing patient self-management education and support to reduce the risk of long-term disability and prevent complications. Self-management refers to â€Å"tasks that an individual must undertake to live well with one or more chronic conditions which include gaining confidence to deal with medical management, role management, and emotional management (El-Gayar et al., 2013). Effective self-management strategies are of obvious importance, and it is critical for achieving diabetes treatment goal. Î’. Significance of Problem As the worldwide prevalence of diabetes increase, the demand for and cost of medical care in-crease too. The median annual direct medical costs for subjects with diet-controlled type 2 diabe-tes who are not obese and have no complication were ranging between $1,700 and $2,100. The cost increased when the BMI and complications increased.Show MoreRelatedHigh Incidence Of Early Onset Type 2 Diabetes1613 Words   |  7 PagesThe High Incidence of Early-Onset Type 2 Diabetes Introduction Diabetes is a metabolic body condition in which the pancreas is unable to secrete enough insulin, hence leading to increased levels of blood sugar. Age, genetics, weight and ethnicity are the four main risk factors of Type 2 diabetes. Common symptoms include frequent urination, persistent fatigue, slow healing process for cuts and wounds and blurred vision. 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This paper will explore Type 2 diabetes and its prevalence in countries such as: Australia and India. This paper will also review the role of two health professionals associated with the treatment or prevention of Type 2 diabetes, the health condition’s impact on community and three prevention or treatment methods for Type 2 diabetes. 2.0 Health Condition: Type 2 Diabetes â€Å"Diabetes is a serious, chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulinRead MoreA Study On High Blood Sugar Essay1632 Words   |  7 Pages Diabetes is a group or a collection of metabolic-based diseases which are linked to the level of blood sugar in the body. The most common situation or complication in diabetes is high blood sugar in the body which is caused by lack of enough insulin in the body to control and regulate the amount of glucose in the blood stream. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Tragedy of EveryMan in Death of a Salesman Essay

The Tragedy of EveryMan in Death of a Salesman Will you take that phony dream and burn it before something happens? I dont say hes a great man. Willy Loman never made a lot of money; his name was never in the paper; hes not the finest character that ever lived. But hes a human being, and a terrible thing is happening to him. So attention must be paid ... Attention, attention, must be finally paid to such a person. from Death of a Salesman Only in America. The American Dream. Much is made in our society of the pursuit of the American Dream. But just what is that dream? And is it one worth pursuing? This is part of what Miller is asking us to look at in Death of a Salesman. But it manages to succeed on†¦show more content†¦After all, the unhindered pursuit of life, liberty and happiness is our birthright. But this is part of that visible world that Miller is punching holes in, exposing it to some of those inescapable truths of existence. There is a dark side to the freedom inherent in our pursuit of the American dream. Things get corrupt and out of balance when greed and power replace concern for others, or when the capitalistic system degenerates into nothing more than survival of the fittest mentality. Too much emphasis gets placed on wealth. Thus Willy can not accept that the things around him are enough to have a good life. He must be rich like his brother Ben. And in a dog eat dog world its all right for t hose riches to be obtained by unscrupulous means - Never fight fair with a stranger boy. Youll never get out of the jungle that way, Biff is counseled. And now that Willy is old and unable to keep up with the technology, he cant even operate Howards tape machine, and all of his contacts are retired or have passed away, he is no longer of use or value to the great economic machine. In the twilight of his life he finds that he is a piece of fruit whose peel is being tossed away. And as for Biff, its not enough to be liked. You must be well-liked. To play on the football team is not enough. You must be the star. The implication being that if you are desired by several colleges you are worth more to society than Bernard whoShow MoreRelatedSophocles Oedipus Rex as Modern Tragedy Essay examples1184 Words   |  5 PagesOedipus Rex and Tragedy Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex is, in short, the story of a man who unknowingly kills his father and marries his mother. It certainly sounds like a tragedy, doesn’t it? But the classification and definition of ‘tragedy’ are one of the many things widely disputed in the realm of literary studies. So, for the purposes here we’ll use Aristotle’s five criteria of a tragedy: a tragic hero of noble birth, a tragic flaw or mistake, a fall from grace, a moment of remorse, and catharsisRead MoreTo What Extent Can Bosola Be Considered a Tragic Hero? Essay1310 Words   |  6 PagesTo what extent can Bosola be considered a tragic hero? â€Å"Let worthy minds ne’er stagger in distrust/ to suffer death or shame for what is just. / Mine is another voyage.† Thus the dying Bosola concludes his last speech and, in doing so, ends the life of a character whose very nature is at odds with the others’ – and with himself. For Bosola is a paradox: as a malcontent, he delivers line after line of poisonous verse; insults old women; sneers at the Cardinal and Ferdinand, whom he sees (justifiablyRead MoreThe Multifaceted Themes and Symbols in Millers Play, Death of a Salesman2446 Words   |  10 PagesArthur Miller, the author of the play Death of a Salesman, proposes the idea that even an ordinary person can have major tragedies happen to him or her. When something bad happened to the individuals, who were mostly royalty, as portrayed in the great Greek and great Shakespearean tragedies, it affected the whole country. The ordinary person with a commonplace background, however, playing the major role in a tragedy, is a reformation of the older masterpiece, now tuned for modern readers and viewersRead MoreLiterary Review of Rabbit R un by John Updike Essays3013 Words   |  13 PagesRabbit is a brainless guy whose career as a high school basketball star peaked at age 18. In his wifes view, he was, before their early, hasty marriage, already drifting downhill. We meet him for the first time in this novel, when he is 22, and a salesman in the local department store. Married to the second best sweetheart of his high school years, he is the father of a preschool son and husband to an alcoholic wife. We are at ground zero watching Rabbit struggle with aging, religion, sexuality (particularlyRead MoreData Sheet Analysis for Kafkas Metamorphosis Essay4848 Words   |  20 Pages | |worried as everyone else; by the end of |(Kafka 39). | | | |three, he is rejoicing over Gregors death.| | | | |In the end, he is the necessary antagonist,| | | |

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Career path Free Essays

The skills that I think are necessary for success in college are being self-motivated, having effective time management and a strong dedication and willpower to want to succeed. The desire to succeed can only come from you. There are people to help you along the way, but you are the only person that can make a change for yourself and for the better. We will write a custom essay sample on Career path or any similar topic only for you Order Now Self-motivation is the number one factor in having a successful college experience. Once you have made a decision to further your education you must realize that there will conflicts throughout. Conflicts with work or family may arise. If you lack self-motivation, there is a possibility you will lose sight of what your goal is. There must be a balance between school and other obligations. You are responsible for finding that balance to ensure a successful college experience and a happy personal or work life as well. Effective time management is imperative in college. There are many times when tests and papers are due at the same time for each class. It is important to know what lies ahead in each class. A monthly calendar allows you to note upcoming due dates, midterm and final dates. It is helpful to have a visual so you can plan on a teeth to allow yourself adequate time for each class. Some people may be good at procrastination but when taking multiple classes, I don’t think waiting until the last minute is effective. You made a decision to invest time and money to enter college. You have a goal in mind. In order to reach that goal you need a strong dedication and willpower to succeed. There will be bumps along the way. Each class will introduce new ideas and responsibilities; when those responsibilities conflict with other responsibilities, I think you need the willpower to push through it. You need the dedication to the lasses and program you enrolled in. Keep the end goal in sight. The skills that I already have are being self-motivated, having effective time management and a strong dedication to being successful in college. I am a lifetime learner. I enjoy attending my classes and what is involved to succeed. Part of what helps me succeed in my classes is being effective with time management. I have learned how to handle a full time class load, working and having a happy family. My last Job required you to be great at multi-tasking. Multi-tasking is useful when attending college and having a young family. I have learned how to study while my hillier are occupied or napping. I also have my husband’s support which is crucial when attending school. In order to write a paper or study for an exam I will either go to the library, my parents’ house or at times my husband will take our children somewhere, Just to give me the time I need. I don’t think you could succeed in college and in personal life if you don’t have the dedication to school. I want to succeed and do well in college to better the life for my family. I am dedicated in accomplishing my goal and I know I will succeed. I have developed these skills through experience. I graduated from high school in 999 and have been attending college since, taking breaks to start my family. I have an associate degree already but have always wanted to pursue nursing. Since graduating with my associates degree, I have always taken part time classes, while working full time and having a family. However, I made the decision to enroll full time and complete my degree. I have three young daughters, all less than six years old. I know that to better their lives I must finish schooling. I want them to see that a higher education is something to strive and work toward. I want them to see my self-motivation and my dedication, to only to them but to school. Effective time management is a necessity when raising my children, being a spouse and being a successful student. I have learned to love my calendar. I write everything down. I have to see lies ahead for my family and for school. One weakness that I have is being committed to too many different things with my children, all while I am trying to finish school. I sign up to help with a lot of their events and organizations. I need to realize that I am only one person and cannot do it all. I need to only sign up for a select number of events and commit myself to those instead off little bit here and there. I also have bad test anxiety. I am hoping that I can alleviate the anxiety I get by allowing myself adequate time to study and prepare for tests. I also need to have confidence in myself to know that I will succeed on the test. I try to go into each test with a positive attitude. I will be taking the TEAS test on 11/16/12. I have heard so much negativity towards the test from peers that I try to distance myself from the negativity. I know that going into the test Friday that I have done all I was able to do and look forward to seeing my results. I have chosen a nursing career. The same skills listed for a college experience are also needed for a successful nursing career. In addition to these, strong interpersonal skills and critical thinking skills are needed. I have worked in the health care field for over 10 years, so I have seen first hand what skills are needed and already have knowledge of medical terminology and Anatomy and Physiology. This is only my first semester at Bryant Stratton. I still need to pass my TEAS and am looking forward to being accepted in the nursing program. I would like to improve upon my confidence. As a nurse you don’t have time to second guess yourself. I need to realize that I know the answer and stick to it. I also need to stop being afraid of failure. I need to set little goals and as those are accomplished, celebrate them. This will make my long term goal seem not so far out of reach. I previously stated that I like to avoid negativity. I do not want to be surrounded by negative people or situations. This only brings my confidence down. I also want to remain an active learner. Whether this means taking continuing education courses or reading a health Journal related to my field; I know that this will increase my confidence because I will be full of knowledge. In conclusion, it is important to understand that the decision to enter college is a life changing decision. Dedication, time management, and the desire to succeed and take responsibility for what needs to be are commitments that must be made upon making the decision to enroll in college. The approach I took when writing this paper is following the outline given and responding to each question. The outline style was effective for this paper since a list of skills were required. I did not forget to expand on any skill since I had it in the outline format. How to cite Career path, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Cognitive Development of Infants and Young Children

Question: Discuss your understanding of the physical development of children 0-8 years to present guidelines for child safety in a day care facility. Answer: Physical development of a child refers to the characteristics such as appearance, growth in size, height, body coordination and the development of fine and gross muscles. As they grow between 0-8 years, children develop motor skills such as jumping, throwing, climbing, running, skipping and kicking. It also includes body movements and body organization (Rivkin, 2006). Due to the busy schedule in todays lifestyle of most parents, day care centres have become an integral organization in the development of children. Sometimes parents; scared by the escalating cost of day care centres are forced to turn to in-home caretakers who might live down the street, watch children during the day and essentially operate their own business. However, such caretakers cannot be held to the same standard as larger operations. In choosing the appropriate day care centre for ones child, it is essential that a parent considers the day care facility that will ensure the safety of their children and not only emphasize on the cost. In the course of overseeing the physical development of a child, a day care facility should be able to ensure the safety of a child in the following ways: Toilet Training Children at a young age of 0-2 years are not able to use the toilet. It is essential for the day care to maintain the cleanliness of such a child by changing the nappy each and every time the child defecates. The child should be washed properly and immediately after changing the nappy the caretaker should wash his/her hands to avoid contamination which may lead to diseases such as diarrhoea. At an advanced stage 2-8 years, children are able to use the toilet. They should be trained on hygiene measures such as use of toilet paper and washing hands after visiting the toilet. The day care should also ensure that toilets are located away from the place where the children reside. Some children at this stage could also be introverts hence the caretaker should encourage them to speak whenever they are pressed (Bredekamp, 1986). Conducive playing environment The playing environment for the children should be clean, well ventilated, spacious, slippery free, have sufficient lighting, free of dangerous objects, well arranged and away from transport lines. Children should also be trained on first aid skills to assist them in case of injuries during play. The playing materials used by the children should be blunt, light to enable lifting, attractive, adequate and poison free (Diamond, 2011) Proper nutrition Food is essential for the health and holistic development of a child. The day care centres should give age appropriate diet to the children. For instance, parents of children below six months should be requested to bring breast milk for the children. For older children; above six months, they should be given a balance diet (Ormrod, 2013). Children should be given clean foods and encouraged to wash their hands before eating. Proper medical attention Day care facilities should advice parents on the health condition of the children. They should also ensure that the children are given medical interventions such as immunization, child monitoring and deworming. References Bredekamp, S. (1986). Developmentally appropriate practice. National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1834 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20009-5786 (NAEYC Publication# 224, $3.00. No shipping charge on pre-paid orders). Diamond, A., Lee, K. (2011). Interventions shown to aid executive function development in children 4 to 12 years old. Science, 333(6045), 959-964. Ormrod, J. E. (2013). Educational Psychology: Pearson New International Edition: Developing Learners. Pearson Higher EdMcDevitt, T. M., Ormrod, J. E. (2010). Child development and education. Pearson College Division. Rivkin, M. S. (2006). Moving learning TOGETHER! Scholastic Early Childhood Today, 20(6), 32-34,36. Retrieved from proquest Sep 13.