Friday, February 28, 2020

Explanation of Richard Dyers Model for Analyzing Star Image Essay

Explanation of Richard Dyers Model for Analyzing Star Image - Essay Example Dyer explains that stars are images and not actual people. As images, every star should represent a particular ideology. The success of a star arises from his ability to represent such ideologies both consistently and effectively. This way, the audience develops a unique perception of the star a feature that influences their consumption of successive films starring every star (Being & Rutsky, 2001). A star must, therefore, represent particular social values. Successful stars make successful films. However, the success in this context originates from the ability of a director to use a specific star effectively in a manner that makes him or her represent the various social values the audience anticipates from them. Additionally, Dyer explains that the media creates a star out of several materials including adverts, films, magazines and even music videos among others. In order to create a star, all the above media content must present the star in a similar manner thus making such stars represent consistent ideologies. Institutions create celebrities and icons for financial gains. This implies that celebrities sell specific ideological dimensions to their target audience thus earning financial gains for the developers (Allen & Gomery, 1985). People pay billions of dollars to watch films for various reasons key among which is the character staring in a film. Audiences develop divergent views and mindsets about a star. They, therefore, watch a film while investigating the portrayal of the particular star. Such explanations validate the star theory, which defines stars in four key points. The theory explains that stars have capital value, are deviant, constructs and have cultural values. Stars break rules in the society a feature that enhances their ideologies as presented in the films.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Arius Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Arius - Essay Example This teaching ended up becoming so popular in fact that many bishops ended up defecting to the Arian heresy, and it was officially condemned at the First Council of Nicea in 325 AD and as well was supported later in the First Council of Constantinople in 381 AD. Then, from these councils came the Nicene Creed which Christians profess in Church each Sunday. There are many different important issues that should be known about Arius, and the aim of this paper is to discuss the most significant of all. Who Arius was, where he came from and the type of life that he lived, what his method of communicating his beliefs was, and the controversy that he caused throughout his life - each and every one of these issues will be thoroughly addressed and discussed here, and by doing this, we will be able to attain a much more informed and knowledgeable understanding on Arius overall. This is what will be dissertated in the following. Arius is considered to have been of Libyan descent, with his father being known as Ammonius. Arius was a student in Antioch at the exegetical school, where he studied under Saint Lucian, who was in fact the school's founder. It was in the year 313 when Arius was made presbyter of the Baucalis district in Alexandria, and this is how he really became known. He was considered as being a man of personal aesthetic character, pure morals, and decided convictions, although at the same time there were a number of people who assailed his character. The traditional beliefs of his time are incredibly important to take into consideration, and Christianity was by far the most major religion. Pope Miltiades was the Pope from July 2, 310 or 311, to January 10 or 11, 314, and was subsequently made a saint. Miltiades was who became Pope after the Roman emperor Galerius had previously passed on an edict of toleration ending the persecution of Christians, and "During his pontificate, in 313, the Edict of Milan was passed by the tetrarchs Constantine and Licinius, declaring that they would be neutral with regard to religious worship and restoring church property. Constantine presented the pope with the Lateran Palace which became the papal residence and seat of Christian governance" (Haas, 1993). In the year 313, Miltiades presided over the Lateran Synod in Rome at which Caecilian was acquitted of the charges that had been brought up against him, and Donatus Magnus ended up being condemned as a heretic. Magnus was then summoned to the Co uncil of Arles, the first representative meeting of all of the Western Roman Empire's Christian bishops, but he ended up dying before it was even held. After the death of Miltiades, he was made a saint, with his feast-day being held on December 10. There is also the important note to make of although his death was considered as being natural, at the same time he is nonetheless regarded as a martyr because of all of his earlier suffering under the ant-Christian emperor Maximan. The name God is considered as referring to "the deity held by monotheists to be the supreme reality. God is generally