Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Essay on Paul Robeson - 906 Words

Paul Robeson was a famous African American athlete, singer, actor and advocate for the civil rights of people around the world. He rose to prominence in a time when segregation was legal in America and black people were being lynched by white mobs, especially in the South. Born on April 9, 1898 in Princeton, New Jersey, Paul Robeson was the youngest of five children. His father was a runaway slave who went on to graduate from Lincoln University, and his mother came from a family of Quakers who worked for the abolition of slavery. His family was familiar with hardship and the determination to rise above it. His own life was no less challenging. In 1915, Paul won a four-year academic scholarship to Rutgers University. In spite of†¦show more content†¦He is known for changing the Show Boat song Old Man River from the lamentable lyrics Im tired of livin and feared of dyin, to a stronger and more political, I must keep fightin until Im dyin. His eleven films include Body and Soul (1924), Jericho (1937) and Proud Valley (1939). Paul noted that his travels had taught him that racism was not as virulent in Europe as it was in the United States. At home, it was difficult to find restaurants that would serve him; theaters in New York would only seat blacks in the upper balconies and his performances were often surrounded with threats or outright harassment. In London, on the other hand, Robesons opening night performance of Emperor Jones brought the audience to its feet with cheers for twelve encores. Paul Robeson used his deep baritone voice to promote black spirituals, to share the cultures of other countries and to benefit the social movements of his time. He sang for peace and justice in 25 languages throughout the United States, Europe, the Soviet Union and the Third World. Robeson became known as a citizen of the world, as comfortable with the people of Moscow and Nairobi as with the people of Harlem. Among his friends he counted future African leader Jomo Kenyatta, Indias Nehru, historian W. E. B. DuBois, anarchist Emma Goldman and writers James Joyce and Ernest Hemingway. In 1933, Robeson donated the proceeds of All Gods ChillunShow MoreRelated Paul Robeson Essay991 Words   |  4 PagesPaul Robeson Paul Robeson as a scholar and athlete was a two-time All-American in football and baseball, a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and valedictorian of his high school and college class. As an entertainer he starred in eleven movies, five Broadway musicals, and sang in sold out concerts throughout the world in twenty-five different languages. 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